Welcome to my little home on the internet. Stay for a while, wander around and check things out. You might find my digital scrapbook pages, some of my travel photos and other random stuff. Enjoy your stay!


The time has come...

....to get this Wonder Girl Blog Party started!!!!! If you missed Sunshine Wonder Week last month then you are in luck. I have a list of blogs that hold the links to a few things you may have missed. Not only will you find the daily download, but you will also find a few of the prizes that were available as well! But before I let you run off and play, here are a few previews for this months Sunshine Wonder Week.

And here is the schedule for the week:

Ok, so here is the list of blogs, run off and have some fun!!!
Jaye: http://jayedid-designs.blogspot.com/
Laura: http://lauras-little-world.blogspot.com/
Ale: http://madamewing.blogspot.com/
Dani: http://danisdelusions.blogspot.com/
Janel: http://janelscraps.blogspot.com/
Mandi: http://www.mandanickell.blogspot.com/
Teri: http://teri-scrappingmylife.blogspot.com/
Wendy: http://mydigispot.blogspot.com/
Heather: http://www.embracingthechaos.blogspot.com/
Mari: http://mari-lovelyscraps.blogspot.com/
Jen: http://jenuineartistry.blogspot.com/

and here is my part from June's Missing Bits and Pieces of Yesterday
and just incase you want a preview for last month:

and remember this is just the kit, you are getting some of the prizes too!

Well, that's all for now, Wonder Girl Janel signing out until next time.
::: Same SUN-shine, Same SUN-channel :::


Maria said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 Jul [LA 12:36am, NY 02:36am, UK 07:36am, OZ 05:36pm]).

Julie P. (babyofmine) said...

Thank you for the mini! :)