Welcome to my little home on the internet. Stay for a while, wander around and check things out. You might find my digital scrapbook pages, some of my travel photos and other random stuff. Enjoy your stay!


It is under there somewhere....

This is what my Wednesday looked like. I have mentioned I really don't like snow, haven't I??? And this is alot of snow for us. Sixth largest snow on record, 13 inches!

So, I have to admit apartment living is pretty good; somebody cuts the grass, people fix things when the break....I am pretty sure that means that they should plow the parking lots and sidewalks. Turns out when they do plow, they plow the empty spot next to you and then you can't even see the side of your truck. (This pic is before they plowed!) And I have to tell you, living in an apartment.... I do not own a shovel! I spent the afternoon digging out my truck with a kitchen broom! Trust me I know how silly I looked, cause all my neighbors were doing the same thing!


Unknown said...

Janel.. I soooo love your blog design!!! very cute!

Lisa Joy said...

You have me laught at digging out with a broom. I used to keep a little shovel in my car just in case.

Dielle said...

I love the snow... for about 1 day, when I don't have to go anywhere. We live in the NW US and rarely get snow, so getting 12-14 inches last month was a nightmare. Gorgeous for a few days, but I did the broom thing, too.