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Blogging from the Brickyard

How cool is it to be able to blog from the Brickyard 400? It is almost time to wave the green flag and get the race under way. If anyone is interested, I am a Ryan Newman fan. For those of you watching on TV, enjoy, cause it is HOT out here sitting in the sunshine. BTW, speaking of sunshine, have you checked out the blog and forums at Sunshine Studio Scraps? It is Sunshine Wonder Week! Go and check it out!

Are you ready? Gentlemen, start your engines!


Sharon B. said...

I'm home in the cool downloading things like a crazy person. Thanks for the great QP's you put in for us. Enjoy the race!

It's a Scrappy World said...

Ryan Newman is a great driver. I follow him, also. But, my favorite is Matt Kenseth, whom unfortunately had that blow out.

Hope you had a great time!

mommyofatoz said...

Hope you had a great time! We were out there on Friday...was hot then too!