Welcome to my little home on the internet. Stay for a while, wander around and check things out. You might find my digital scrapbook pages, some of my travel photos and other random stuff. Enjoy your stay!


My Very First Blog Post!

Well, here I am making my debut into the blogging world. Should I curtsy? Wave? Smile and nod? There doesn't seem to be anyone here to shake hands with or to congratulate me. Is anyone even going to notice?

Am I surprised it has taken me this long to start a blog? No, not really. Up until two years ago my parents had a rotary dial phone. They didn't get rid of it, they moved!

So here I am greeting the blogging world with a big grin on my face and wondering, "What on earth have I done?"

So by now you are probably wondering why? Why did she start this blog? Why the big grin? Well, let me tell you....I am a Wonder Girl for Sunshine Studio Scraps!!! Can you believe that? Yay, Me!!!

And since you are here reading this very first post of mine, take a look at their latest collab, Missing Yesterday:

(click the image to go to the collab in the store)

Oh, and Sunshine Girl, Franziska is having a big sale:

(click the ad to go to Franziska's store)

The sale will be going on 'til Sunday, midnight EST, after that Charmed Meadow will be 25% off next week. It sure is a beautiful kit, get it while you can!

Well, that is all I have for now. Until next time!


Mary said...

Congrats on your blog and your new gig :) A curtsy would be cute, jejeje
That kit looks wonderful, I'm off to check out the new goodies.

Kathy said...

Congrats on your new blog - you are off to a good start. And woohoo about your status at SS...way cool. You will have fun with that. KayJay

Amanda said...

Congrats on your new gig and your new digs! THe blog is great--keep it up!

Char said...

Congrats on the new blog, and the Sunshine Studio gig. And thanks for sharing the beautiful stuffs!!

Not Everyones Mama said...

Beautiful new blog! and awesome on the sunshine gig! Congrats!!

jaye said...

Great job on the new blog! I will see you over at Sun Studios and at Scrap Orchard!