Welcome to my little home on the internet. Stay for a while, wander around and check things out. You might find my digital scrapbook pages, some of my travel photos and other random stuff. Enjoy your stay!


This is a first!

Sunshine Studio Designer, Monica of mglScraps, has made her first grab bag ever! Available for a limited time only (June-27th to July 3rd). Inside you’ll find 9 (as of yet) unreleased products and a little bonus. I've had a sneak peak and let me tell you, I couldn't get it into my cart at the shop fast enough....amazing stuff in there, so don't miss out!!!

Never fear, you will be the first to see what I scrap with it!

Well, that's all for now, Guest Sunshine Sweetie & Wonder Girl Janel signing out until next time.

::: Same SUN-shine, Same SUN-channel :::

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