Welcome to my little home on the internet. Stay for a while, wander around and check things out. You might find my digital scrapbook pages, some of my travel photos and other random stuff. Enjoy your stay!


A recipe challenge....

...On Kiki Halbert's blog. I am your Kokonut hostess of the week and I wanted to make sure that you make it over there. The winner gets a $5 GC to their choice of Kiki's stores Plain Digital Wrapper, Scrapbook-Elements, or Sunshine Studio Scraps!

here is my layout for the challenge:

I used lots of different kits and elements from my Kiki stash so you will have to click on the image to get the credits!


Being Mrs Miles said...

Hi Janel,

Pretty layout - thx for sharing.

Glad I visited - came from the blog train at DST.

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the challenge and the pretty LO! Have a nice day! :)